About me


I am Kaia Meier, an illustrator, passionate sewer and the author of this journal.

Do you know those pretty illustrations that guide you through the sewing process step by step? “Sew it this way, press it that way”, that’s what I draft during work hours. Oh wait, I used to do that during my free time too because I tried to create my sewing-pattern brand. At this moment, it didn’t work out, but I am not sad because I love what I do.

I do think that during life, we learn non-stop, especially if we have such a strong motivation as passion. My one is drawing and creating clothing. Dresses, blouses, skirts, jackets and coats. Sometimes it feels I can no longer store the amount of knowledge in my head only. So to keep all this information together with my thoughts and conclusions organized, I started this journal.

It tells about things that inspire me. And the most important is that it tells about sewing—with some couture touches—though I never attended any sewing schools or courses. My mom and books taught me everything. And nevertheless, I worked as a tutor for sewing and patternmaking for 2.5 years.

That was a good time. And my students were not the only ones who were learning something new—oh, no. So after moving to Berlin in May 2019, I started Patternmaking Series—a chain of illustrated posts with hints on pattern manipulation. I do not pretend to be a mentor; I am self-taught; I am still learning and writing about this process with irony and love.

If you are looking for step-by-step instructions or a manual on mass production or “start-your-own-brand-right-now” kick, I’m afraid you will not find it here. But you will meet a person who grows professionally and seeks to help others with it. The purpose of my journal, let it sound ambitious, is to show the value of a garment created with one’s hands. I do not believe in sewing for the sake of quantity, but I believe in the quality and the time and effort that I put in every line and stitch.

If you want to create more than just an ordinary dress that anyone could buy in a store, if for you creating a garment from the flat drawing to the last knot is a song, as it is for me, be my guest.

